nothing ever happens

graduated high school.
kissed someone.
gotten so drunk you passed out.
gone long periods of time without sleep.
lied to someone.
snorted cocaine.
failed a class.
been in a car accident.
done drugs.
watched someone die.
been to a funeral.
burned yourself.
cried yourself to sleep.
flown on a plane.
had a best friend.
lost someone you loved.
shoplifted something.
been to jail.
had detention.
skipped school.
gone to a different country
dropped out of a school.
been in a mental hospital.
been close to going into a mental hospital.
watched the “harry potter” movies.
fired a gun.
been in a play.
taken a lie detector test.
swam with dolphins.
read more than 20 books a year
taken a taxi.
almost overdosed.
had a drug or alcohol problem.
been in a fist fight.
used a credit card.
dyed your hair.
started a fire. 
gotten a hickey

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